Saturday, November 15, 2014

Jakarta Trip - First Wedding Experience for Bouquet & Boutonniere

I went to Indonesia again.

But my objective was not holiday. I went to Jakarta to complete my duty as a wedding planner for one of bf's colleagues. I have helped some people previously to run the wedding on the actual day. However, for Bouquet & Boutonniere, this is the first of many many to come. :)

I assisted them from morning till the night.

Basically, what is a job scope of a wedding planner?

  • Working out the concept of the wedding with the couple
  • Contacting, making deal, and coordinating with vendors on behalf of the couple
  • Assisting the couple in controlling the budget 
  • Giving advices to the couple as and when necessary
  • Monitoring the progress of the preparation
  • Creating a good programme run down for the D-day
  • Assisting the couple and organizing the whole event from morning to night

So, you may have wondered, how did I manage to contact and coordinate with the vendors since I was not in Jakarta throughout the time?

The service I gave them was not a full service. I worked out the concept with them, yes. I kept giving advices to them, yes. I monitored the progress, yes. I created the programme according to their requests, yes. I coordinated the whole event, yes. However, the vendor management was run by the bride.

I also took some additional responsibilities of creating props for the march in and decorating the foyer area.

The wedding solemnization took place in Gereja Sidang Jemaat Allah Bandengan. These are some photos.

The guest reception table
Till death do them apart
My happy happy bride and groom
The starting of the ceremony
The solemn church room

The wedding took place in Gedung Arsip Nasional Jakarta. It is a huge magnificent outdoor venue with a very strong vintage feeling.

I love the place so much but I realize that it will only work out with something like 1000 guests or more. The place is too big the guests tend to disperse to the side and the garden feel a little bit too empty.

Anyway, this is what we had for the wedding that day.

The overview of the foyer with decorated photo gallery table 
Close up view of the photo gallery table
Close up view
Another close up view of the right side of the table
Left side of the table where we place the pre-wedding photo album
The decoration of the huge window with photos and love facts about the couple
The other window with the same things hanging and swirling
One of the love facts!
Wishing tree area
How we asked the guests to give some wishes
The happiness of seeing the wishing tree full and glowing at the end of the wedding

Those are my handmade creation for the foyer area. And what about the props for the march in and photobooth?

The sign for the page boy to carry during march in
Matching sign for vespa!
Taaa-Daaaaa. The groom is going to find the bride.
Additional photobooth props for the guests
And this is the photo

There were hiccups here and there during the day but I tried to manage it the best I could. The biggest problem in wedding is how to keep the time sticks to the planning, which is kinda impossible. But with the help of a coordinator for the D-day, the impact can be minimized.

So, we started the march in at 6:20pm and everything ran smoothly after that. The guests enjoyed the food, the atmosphere, the chance to share their wishes. The couple enjoyed seeing their long-awaited day was there right in front of their eyes.

The wedding stage
The bride and the groom kissing over the wedding cake. Something different, huh?

And for me, the biggest happiness was to see these messages popping on my phone.

A very exquisite happiness

So, I am one step nearer to what I dream of. Anybody needs a wedding planner, a wedding coordinator, or a decorator, just contact me!

I can be reached at or Whatsapp/Line at +6590029460 or BBM at 746F2CE3.

Love is in the air,
Little Feet


  1. Selamat ya Feb. Sayangnya aku sudah menikah, kalau belum aku pasti engage Bouquet & Boutonniere buat wedding organizer. Customer nya mancanegara ya?

  2. Skrg target market masih siapa saja yang hendak menikah. Lokasi mainly targetting indo n sg... kalo ada temen ato sodara mo nikah boleh refer B&B wedding services yaa...

  3. mantap bos artikelnya dan sangat menarik

  4. bagus sob artikelnya dan menarik

  5. keren mas buat infonya da semoga bermanfaat

  6. makasih gan buat infonya dan salam sukses selalu
